Incredible Hulks (2011) #612-#617: Dark Son (Complete 6-Issue Pack)
Incredible Hulks (2011) #612-#617: Dark Son (Complete 6-Issue Pack)
(W) Greg Pak, Scott Reed (A) Tom Raney, Brian Ching, Barry Kitson, Scott Hanna
Bruce Banner is the Hulk once again, and far from being left alone, he's got a whole family of gamma-charged allies at his side. Son Skaar, daughter Lyra, cousin She-Hulk, friends A-Bomb and Korg, and wife Red She-Hulk or is that EX-wife? Meanwhile, a universe away, Hiro-Kala, the mysterious DARK SON of Hulk, rises to power on the planer K'ai. He has a plan for his long lost family members, and it involves a bigger smash than his father has ever made. NM