Batman #570 / Detective Comics #737: The Code (No Man's Land) 2-Issue Pack - Key Issues
Batman #570 / Detective Comics #737: The Code (No Man's Land) 2-Issue Pack - Key Issues
KEY ISSUE: BATMAN #570 - 2nd appearance of Harley Quinn in the main DC comic book storytelling universe
KEY ISSUE: DETECIVE COMICS #737 - 3rd appearance of Harley Quinn in the main DC comic book storytelling universe
Harley returns just as the Joker expands his turf over the broken bodies of two warring gangs. While she uses a philosophy called "The Code" to try to manipulate events to her liking, Joker makes a sweeping move that threatens to tip the balance of power! While the Joker's political campaign threatens to send the so-called society of "No Man's Land" even further into a state of anarchy, the Huntress and Billy Petit's renegade ex-GCPD band join the fray. But they've never tangled with someone like Harley Quinn, who doesn't appreciate anyone standing between her and her Joker! VFN ++