On The Comic Crush: We are burdened with Glorious Purpose! Well, Paul is burdened with Liz, anyway. Your favourite duo since Cap and Bucky are back to chat The TVA, Variants, He Who Remains, and branching timelines in this episode, discussing Loki Season 2! Liz and Paul take apart each new episode, working out the ramifications of the branching timelines and offering their ideas as to what will happen next! Join us! Subscribe to the channel and if you enjoy the show, give us a like and a share!
Welcome back to the branched timeline known as The Comic Crush! This week, Paul (your favourite TVA desk clerk) and Liz (your favourite McDonald's employee) are back for apple pie... oh, and to prevent a total temporal meltdown! Team TVA take apart this week's episode of Loki which you can catch up with on Disney Plus. Join us for 'Breaking Brad' as we discuss the highs and lows of life in TVA!
episode 3
Uh-Oh! Your intrepid TVA agents have been bounced back to the Chicago World's Fair in 1896! Join Paul and Liz as they search for Miss Minutes, try to stop Ravonna Renslayer, meet Victor Timely, and save time as you know it as they go deep into this week's Loki and figure out what happens next! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
TEMPORAL LOOM COLLAPSING! TIMELINE DESTRUCTION IMMINENT! In this week's action-packed episode, your plucky TVA Agents Paul and Liz must save the TVA from total wipe-out and figure out just where this damn show is going! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe. Get all the latest podcasts, reviews, articles, and trailers from The Comic Crush, follow our socials, subscribe to our Patreon, and shop for new comic sets in our webstore!
HIT THE RESET BUTTON! Paul and Liz are time-slipping all over the place as they try to sort through all the ramifications and hidden meanings in this week's season 2 episode of Loki, on Disney Plus! From the looks of things, this could be the episode where the God of Mischief reshapes the entire MCU... Find out what you ever lovin' co-hosts think when you tune in to our latest episode and don't forget to like, share and subscribe. Get all the latest podcasts, reviews, articles, and trailers from The Comic Crush, follow our socials, subscribe to our Patreon, and shop for new comic sets in our webstore!
So... here we are at the end of time and the end of our series. Were we right about Loki's transformation into the God of Stories? Will Liz get her wish for the mischievous Loki to make a comeback? Will The MCU get re-written? And will the gang ever eat that delicious key lime pie again? get the answers to at least some of those questions when you get off your jet-ski and watch Glorious Purpose! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe. Get all the latest podcasts, reviews, articles, and trailers from The Comic Crush, follow our socials, subscribe to our Patreon, and shop for new comic sets in our webstore.