The reboot, written by a fan-favourite Joe Kelly, launches in the Spring.
Article by Paul Dunne
27th December 2024
UPDATE: You can check out some of the variant covers for ASM #1
Well, it looks like we’re getting another new ASM #1.
Sorry, if I seem a little resigned there, but this isn’t my first rodeo. Or yours, I’ll bet. Still, my feelings on new #1’s for long-running titles are largely positive, believe it or not. Having done plenty of comics retail (even though I now just sell back issues and recent comics), I find that new first issues are extremely helpful in both attracting new readers and reinvigorating jaded ones. But for some reason, the constant reboots on ASM do seem to irk people.
I should say that the term ‘reboot’ probably isn’t entirely accurate, since Marvel is one long ongoing continuity. For reboots, one really has to look to the various Ultimate universes. Restart is probably the best way to describe it. But I digress. There are reasons to be excited about this restart! First up, you’ve got Joe Kelly, who has a history with the web-slinger, not to mention Deadpool. And you’ve got Pepe Larraz, who did stunning work on HOX / POX, Blood Hunt, Avengers and of course, ASM.
Marvel is aiming for classic Spider-Man storytelling with new characters like Peter’s girlfriend, Shay and old, the recently redeemed, once-again Goblin-free Norman Osborn both of whom will feature heavily. Peter starts the run jobless and on the hunt for gainful employment – until he’s interrupted by the Rhino! But that’s just the tip of the iceberg for Pete. Behind the scenes, major villains are being weaponised by one of their own, including one villain in particular we haven’t seen in SEVEN YEARS! But you’ll have to wait to find out just who that is…
When Marvel broke the news in Polygon a few days back, Joe Kelly had his to say about the rebo – sorry, resta – sorry, ah, we’ll just Joe explain! "Even though this is a new #1, I don’t think of it as a 'restart' per se. I'm writing the next chapter of the story of one the world’s greatest characters, lucky enough to follow in the footsteps of the folks before me. After that sinks in, I spend a lot of time thinking about what I love about Spider-Man and his cast, what stories resonated with me at different times of my life, and how I can synthesize all of that into something that works with what came before but breaks new ground… I feel a drive to take bold, unexpected swings in order to see how Spider-Man deals with Marvel-sized curve balls. Pressure makes diamonds."
But how is Larraz, arguably one of the best Superhero artists working in the comics medium today, feeling about it? Well, he’s getting to draw one of his favourite characters – but maybe not the one you think: "The most important part of Spider-Man that I wanted to portray accurately is Peter. Of course, I can talk about drawing a believable New York, I shot hundreds of pictures of details of the city for reference, or how I’ve focused on drawing the flow of Spidey's movement and speed in a way closer to animation than comics. But I think Spider-Man comics work because we care about Peter and his world, so that was my main focus: To draw a Peter that you instantly recognize and empathize [with]." Marte Gracia is Larraz’s colourist on the book: “A guarantee that no matter what I do, the book will look beautiful!”
Editor Nick Lowe is also excited about this team coming onto the book. "I didn’t think we could get Joe for a substantial run of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN," Spider-Editor Nick Lowe added. "He’s always so busy with animation and television and movies, so he usually just dips in and out of comics. That’s why we tapped him for 8 Deaths of Spider-Man. He was doing so great, so when he asked if we’d consider him for being the ongoing writer, I felt like I won the lottery. Add Pepe Larraz’s masterful and supersonic talent to the equation, and we knew we had the makings of an instant classic. Then John Romita Jr. agreed to stay on… fireworks went off. I better go buy some lottery tickets!"
Oh, yeah. We should probably mention that JRJR is staying on the book! In what capacity? Well, you’ll just have to wait and see!
Amazing Spider-Man #1 hits your local comic book shop 9th April 2025.